Samples of Work

Zoom Tetrad Pre Pub page 1.pdf

A Zoom Tetrad

Nelson, S. B. (Fall 2022). A zoom tetrad: Applying McLuhan’s Laws of Media to video conferencing. Storytelling, Self, Society, 18(1), 83–121.

Breathing Life into Read Alouds

Nelson, S. B. (2023). “Breathing life into read-alouds.” Milton Public Library, Milton, Wisconsin.

Read Aloud Handout for Milton 2023.docx
Across the Threshold.pdf

Across the Threshold: The Library's Place on the Hero's Journey

Nelson, S. B. (2022). Across the threshold: The library’s place on the hero’s journey. Proceedings of the Association for Library and Information Science Education Annual Conference. ALISE 2022, Pittsburgh, PA. 

Teaching Reference Interview Skills with Improv

Vardell, E., & Nelson, S. B. (2021). Teaching reference interview skills with improv. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science, 63(1), 38–56. 

Getting Personal Presentation Copy

Nelson, S. B. (2021). Getting personal. Proceedings of the Association for Library and Information Science Education Annual Conference, 15–19.

Nelson, S. B. (2019). Coming out of our shells: Safety and vulnerability in reality storytelling (Dissertation). University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

Information shared with participants of this study. 

Dissertation Abstract

Nelson, S. B., & Jarrahi, M. H. (2017). Too much information: Video conferencing for professional communication. In Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology (Vol. 54, pp. 764–765). Washington DC.

Open "Too Much Information"

Nelson, S. B., & Sturm, B. (2017). Storytelling. In J. McDonald & M. Levine-Clark (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science (4th ed.). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.

Excerpt from "Storytelling" in ELIS

Nelson, S. B., Sacchitello, A., & Sturm, B. (2017). Saying “Yes” to performing arts for STEM students, presented at National Communication Association Convention, Dallas, Texas.

Open "Saying Yes to Performing Arts"

Nelson, S. B., Jarrahi, M. H., & Thomson, L. (2017). Mobility of knowledge work and affordances of digital technologies. International Journal of Information Management, 37(2), 54–62.